Market Report | Q3 2024

Presenting the Market Report for Quarter 3 of 2024, written by our Designated Managing Broker Jacoba Porter. Wrapping up the 3rd quarter of 2024, it’s clear that we continued to experience a cooling real estate market here in the San
Juans in 2024…

Market Report | Q2 2024

Presenting the Market Report for Quarter 2 of 2024, written by our Designated Managing Broker Jacoba Porter. We are halfway through 2024, and it is time to review the real estate market activity in the beautiful San Juan Islands and San Juan County. Here is a comprehensive look at the key metrics for the first half of the year…

Market Report | Q1 2024

Presenting the Market Report for Quarter 1 of 2024, written by our Designated Managing Broker Jacoba Porter. As we delve into the pulse of the real estate market in San Juan County during the initial quarter of 2024, the figures provide a comprehensive snapshot of the current scenario.

Market Review | 2023

Presenting the 2023 Market Review written by our Designated Managing Broker, Jacoba Porter. Our local and national real estate markets continued their cooling trend in 2023.

Market Report | Q3 2023

Dollar Volume and Transaction Trends on San Juan Island – YTD Q3 2023, San Juan Island experienced a 13% decrease in dollar volume sold compared to the same period in 2022. The dollar volume reached $117,630,750 in 2023, down from $135,602,214 in 2022. Simultaneously, the number of transactions decreased by 9%, dropping from 137 in 2022 to 125 in 2023…

Market Report | Q2 2023

Despite the fluctuations and changes, the San Juan Island and San Juan County real estate markets continue to be sought-after destinations for buyers. The island’s natural beauty, serene surroundings, and vibrant community contribute to the long-term value of real estate properties…

Market Report | Q1 2023

To say that we, both real estate professionals and consumers alike, have been sitting on the edge of our collective seats waiting to see what type of market 2023 would bring would be an understatement…

Market Review | 2022

Looking back at the final numbers for sold dollar volume and number of real estate transactions in San Juan County, it is clear that our market was in a corrective state in the last half of 2022…

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